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Thursday, November 06, 2008

One-touch, hands-free Guidepoint

We're out at the SEMA Show in Las Vegas this week, showing off our products including a new prototype we've been working on with a company called Brandmotion. It's a bluetooth unit and an excellent one at that. What makes it different though, is that it's directly tied to Guidepoint's 24/7/365 response centers and that allows us to provide a range of services to the driver with one-touch, hands-free connectivity to Guidepoint.

I know. One-touch, hands-free sounds like an oxymoron. The notion here, though, is that more and more of our customers are using our safety and convenience services while they're driving -- and talking on the cell phone while the car is in motion is becoming increasingly dangerous (and, in a growing number of cities and states, illegal). Take a quick click on the video for a demo. Read our news release here.

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