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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Guidepoint and Galpin: Together at Last

It's amazing what a trip to California can do.

Rand Mueller, Guidepoint's president and CEO, recently flew out to visit Galpin Motors, the world's largest Ford dealer. He went to meet the man who runs it all--owner Bert Boeckmann--and finalize what will be a great deal for both companies.

In the meeting, Bert was kind enough to pen a testimonial to attest both Guidepoint's products and business practices. "Guidepoint products are easy to sell, easy to install and easy to use,” he wrote. “That is critical in today’s fast-paced environment where customers frequently do extensive research on cars and accessories before they visit the dealership, and transaction times are half what they used to be.”

Galpin has actually been selling Guidepoint stolen vehicle recovery systems for about a year, which is what makes this meeting all the more impactful. First meetings are often highlighted by the hopeful promise of the working relationship, but in this case, both parties could talk about actual results.

"By selling Guidepoint through our F & I offices, we offer customers a highly valued, competitively priced product that can protect the investment they’ve made in their vehicle and, more importantly, their passengers and loved ones,” continued Boeckmann. “Just as importantly, Guidepoint is customer focused and does business the same way Galpin Motors does – by doing things right and treating people the way you want to be treated.”

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